A warm welcome to RESONANCE

A new space for creativity and expression in Peterborough!

Resonance is now open for bookings!

Please refer to the timetable, and do not hesitate to contact me or drop in to see what is on offer.

Resonance is made of several areas. The first is the painting space based on Arno Stern's Closlieu in Paris. Resonance also offers areas for crafting, relax and talk, a jigsaw table and more. As it is currently developing, we hope that it will shape itself with the presenting needs and desires of those who come.

Resonance is also the home of Sky Chocolates which are handcrafted there and available for sale.

The first few weeks at Resonance


Resonance is a safe and unique space where people of all ages are invited to express their creativity by tracing with paint.

We all have this disposition, even if it has been hindered at times.

By painting without any models or themes people nurture their creative spontaneity or rekindle with it, allowing the emerging of a repertory of graphic manifestations  which is natural and available in all of us.

Therefore,  contrary to what people think, everyone can paint.

At Resonance, painting is not art, it is expression.

Members' paintings do not get commented on, do not get interpreted and are not for show.  Free of any external judgements, people relax and can experiment with endless pleasure. For very young children, that spontaneity is usually still present, and it is about nurturing it.  If you question a young child about their work, they are likely to have to think about what they're doing, when they may have painted without any thought. They may need encouragement in beginning to paint, but not necessarily be praised about what is in their painting. Again, this will inhibit or influence what had been expressed freely to start with. 

In a competitive society which is all about goals, expectations and results, Resonance offers a space in which members can simply be themselves within a group and create at their own pace. 

With time, this enables a connection with the true self who knows exactly what it needs, becoming naturally empowered and confident. 

To encourage total freedom of tracing, people leave their paintings in the workshop. These are kept there, safe. Members  can always go back to them in following sessions.